
VeinWave is a revolutionary technique developed by vascular surgeons specifically for the treatment of fine spider veins such as:

Facial VeinsRed Spots
Leg VeinsVascular Blemishes
RosaceaSkin Tags
Nasal VeinsMilia (Whiteheads)
General Redness Cholesterol Deposits

Now you can safely, effectively and instantly have your unsightly facial and leg spider veins permanently removed with this amazing clinically proven treatment.

  • Walk in walk out treatment, with no downtime;
  • Treats any skin type or age;
  • Effective for men and women;
  • No bandages or compression stockings;
  • No scarring, bruising or pigmentation;
  • Unique treatment and medical acclaimed technology, no other comparable.

Complimentary consultation

Single 15 min treatment$125

Frequently asked questions about VeinWave

How does it work?

This technique utilises high-frequency energy technology to destroy spider veins quickly – a process known as thermocoagulation – Veinwave is the market leader in thermocoagulation and is far more successful in the treatment of spider veins than laser therapy!

Veinwave is ideally suited to treat spider veins wherever they may occur, even in delicate areas where other treatments may not be suitable.

Do I need a consultation?

Yes, a consultation is important to assess whether or not Veinwave is the right treatment for you. In most cases, the Veinwave treatment can be performed following your consultation.

How does it feel?

Some feel a mild discomfort. The face and nasal area are more sensitive than the legs and some describe the mild stinging sensation as similar to plucking a hair. Overall it is very tolerable.

How long is each treatment?

Each treatment is approximately 15 minutes.

How many treatment sessions are needed?

This depends on the number of veins to be removed. For example, a few facial veins can be removed after only one treatment but, for others, several treatments may be necessary if there are extensive veins over the legs and body.

What to expect after treatment? 

There is a little redness afterwards that can last a few hours. On the legs, the response often resembles a cat scratch which can take 4-6 weeks to gradually subside. The body processes the treated veins as unwanted debris and like a bruise, they will eventually fade away. However, on the face none of these effects occurs, there is no inflammation and the results are immediate.

When will results be seen?

Results are seen around 6 weeks on the legs but can take longer. Results on facial veins are more immediate. Treated veins are permanently gone forever! However, it does not stop new veins from appearing, but these can also be treated!